International Benchmark


By Alessandro Mauro
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In 1995, the Government of Mongolia decided to partially privatize the state owned telecommunications assets: it then set up Mongolian Communications Asset Company by separating the ownership of the state owned communications backbone network assets from its operations and maintenance. 

In order to provide open and non discriminatory access to the communications backbone network to all communications service providers and to public and private stakeholders using the network, the Mongolian Government implemented a structural separation by separating the ownership and operation of the network from services and setting up the new state owned Information Communication Network Company (ICNC) in 2007: it is the owner of national backbone and access network of Mongolia including international, long distance, rural and local transmission networks and local loops.

ICNC made the national backbone and access network open and accessible to any interested player on equal basis: it deals with its customers (all communications providers in the information communication sector, ISP providers, public and private entities that want to access our networks) on an equal basis.