Newsletter October - November - December 2019
1. KPI Verification for Delivery and Assurance
In relation to Undertaking no. 4, once the results on the new non-discrimination KPIs pursuant to ex 395/18/CONS were made available on October 2, 2019 the Supervisory Board ceased using the provisional indicators defined under Supervisory Board Determination n. 20/2016. As per their commitment, TIM has made available the monthly values for the new KPIs calculated starting from January 2019, thus allowing the Supervisory Board to perform a complete monitoring of 2019 with a consistent basis for comparison.
2. Revision of Indicators Del. 395/18/CONS
With the communication of October 22, 2019, Agcom made the request to the Supervisory Board to draft a proposal of integration and / or revision of some indicators which may be at risk of failure in efficiency due to the changed context caused by the introduction of disaggregation in the processes of delivery and assurance for ULL and SLU services. This proposal, approved by the Council of the Supervisory Board on December 12, 2019, was sent to the Authority on December 18th.
3. Simplification of the non-discrimination KPIs
With regards to the simplification of the non-discrimination KPIs, after sending a document to the Authority containing a complete proposal for rationalization and simplification of the indicators, the Supervisory Office outlined their simplification proposal to the Authority in a meeting held on November 27, 2019.
4. KPO Definition
Following a presentation of the proposal by of the Supervisory Board to Agcom and the Operators regarding a new method of defining KPOs (Key Performance Objectives) to be applied to the new non-discrimination KPIs based on a multivariate regression algorithm, having documented the comments on the contributions presented with regard to some Operators, the Supervisory Board is waiting for TIM to make available the raw data from the first surveys on KPI ex Del. n. 395/18/CONS to allow the definition of the details for the specific KPO implementation methods for the new KPIs.
5. "Single Queue” onsite Verification activities
In particular, within Undertaking no. 1, the investigation continued by the Supervisory Office during this quarter, on the basis of the "on site" verification program for the correct implementation of the new order queuing criteria for the new system and by virtue of Determination no. 1/2019 approved by the Council on January 23, 2019.
On October 29, 2019 at the WOL Sicilia Est and Sicilia Ovest (TIM headquarters in Palermo) the fourth 2019 “on site” verification was held to check for the correct management of orders that were suspended due to those orders falling in areas where there are no available network resources (so-called "Single Queue”). During the inspection, there were no cases found of orders activated unduly outside of the queue.
6. Onsite verification of saturated NGN nodes
Based on the equal treatment verification activities in the management of work orders which belong to areas served by saturated NGN nodes for the new VULA C services (Fiber to the Cabinet access), during this quarter the Supervisory Board performed one “onsite” investigation at the WOL (Wholesale Operation Line) in Trentino Alto Adige and Veneto (Verona, November 22, 2019). During the verification, the correct management of work orders was observed in compliance with the equal treatment of the OAOs and TIM Retail. However, some phases of the delivery process have been identified in which, in some specific cases, improvements could be made in order to guarantee the optimization of the reopening time for the marketing of desaturated NGN Nodes.
7. NetMap system performance evaluation
With regard to the quality analysis for the new NetMap database, on October 23, 2019, TIM made available the first results of the quality KPIs referring to the period between June and December 2019, as required by Supervisory Board Determination no. 9/2019.
8. Digitalization of Processes
In this quarter, the Supervisory Board has continued to monitor - on a monthly basis - the digitalization of the provisioning and assurance processes by analyzing the indicators designed to evaluate the performance of the delivery services through the digital channel (the so-called Virtual Agent) compared to the same processes managed with the traditional (or “human") channel.
9. Encryption of sensitive information (Resolution No. 396/18/CONS)
With regard to the activity of supporting the Supervisory Board and Agcom in the implementation phase of Resolution no. 396/18/CONS, on November 28, 2019 a meeting was held between the Supervisory Office and TIM to plan the supervisory activities for the Assurance process.
The scope is to monitor the implementation of the technical solutions proposed by TIM and modified by the Technical Committee, consisting of the encryption of all sensitive information and the tracking of access to this data.
10. Decommissioning of copper infrastructure
On October 16, 2019, the Council met the Director of network and electronic communications of Agcom and, among other items, the Decommissioning Plan for copper infrastructure presented by TIM was discussed.
It was agreed that support will be provided by the Supervisory Office for the monitoring of the Plan, based on methods that will be agreed upon in future technical meetings.
11. Verification of Undertaking n. 2 pursuant to Resolution 718/08/CONS
With regards to Undertaking no.2, on November 13, 2019, TIM presented the results of the Customer Satisfaction Index for the first half of 2019.
12. Monitoring of Technical Plans
For Undertakings no. 5 and no. 6 pursuant to Resolution 718/08/CONS, during this quarter the Supervisory Board monitored the publication of the TIM Technical Plans in order to verify the level of transparency and effectiveness in terms of information made available to the other operators.
In particular, the compliance of Undertakings ex Del 718/08/CONS were verified:
• Activities and results from maintenance related to quality assurance for fixed network access (Undertaking 5);
• Activities and results from the interventions for the development of the “traditional” fixed access network in copper and NGAN (Undertaking 6)
13. Separation models and supervision on the access network
On December 5, 2019, the Supervisory Board organized an encounter at Palazzo Ferrajoli in Rome for the early release of the results of an international benchmark, done by the company Cullen International, to a large audience of Operators and institutional stakeholders. The results will be presented in their entirety in 2020.