At the end of 2008 TIM, formerly Telecom Italia, created the Organo di Vigilanza (also called OdV) as its internal Supervisory Board with the function of monitoring and verifying the wholesale access services of TIM, so as to guarantee the non-discrimination in the provisioning of such services. This Supervisory Board (SB) is an independent entity that acts with complete autonomy, in an impartial mode and that is at the service of all Authorized Operators (OAOs) in Italy that decide to purchase from TIM, the incumbent operator, wholesale access services on the fixed network.
The SB was established within the framework of the Undertakings voluntarily implemented by TIM, starting in early 2009, and subsequently transformed into regulatory obligations by the Italian Communications Regulatory Authority (Agcom), aimed at guaranteeing to all the authorized operators equal access to the network, with the objective of using an independent entity to monitor the effective implementation of the commitments of non-discrimination.