The following infographic summarizes the main Groups of Undertakings to be monitored by the Supervisory Board:
The Telecom Italia Commitments, relating to the access services for which the company is notified as having Significant Market Power (SMP), were originally approved by the Italian Communications Authority with Resolution no. 718/08/CONS (Annex A), entered into force on January 1st, 2009.
Download "The Telecom Italia Undertakings" document (italian)
In particular, as regards the Undertakings Group no.7 (Establishment, composition and functioning of the SB), the Authority updated the content, implementing Resolution no. 451/16/CONS.
Download the "Undertakings Group no. 7" - update 2016 (italian)
In 2022, again with regard to the same Undertakings Group no. 7 (Establishment, composition and functioning of the SB), the Authority further updated the content implementing Resolution no. 401/22/CONS.
Download the "Undertakings Group no. 7" - update 2022 (italian)