Newsletter January - February - March 2020
1. 2020 Planned Activities
On February 10, 2020, the Supervisory Board Council approved the 2020 Planned Activities (Determination n. 3/2020), implementing the 2020 annual work plan sent by Agcom on February 4, 2020. In accordance with this plan, during the quarter in question, the Supervisory Board conducted the planned activities.
2. KPI Verification for Delivery and Assurance
For Undertaking n. 4, the monitoring activities for KPIs pursuant to Res. 395 continued. The values of the measurements for the months of January and February were acquired, on the basis of which investigations are underway with TIM, for which additional information was requested that is necessary for a deeper review of the analyses.
3. KPO Definition
In merit of the Definition of the KPOs (Key Performance Objectives) which will be used as references for evaluating the non discrimination KPIs defined in Resolution n.395/18/CONS, it was agreed with TIM that they would provide SB with the individual data used for the calculation of the KPIs in the past three months.
This information will be used to calibrate and verify the KPO calculation algorithms and will also be used to evaluate the statistical significance of the volumes (n° WO and n° TT) underlying the KPI calculations.
4. Onsite verification of saturated NGN nodes
Based on the equal treatment verification activities in the management of work orders which belong to areas served by saturated NGN nodes for the new VULA C services (Fiber to the Cabinet access), for the month of March one “onsite” investigation of the FOL (Field Operation Line) Lombardia Centro Est was planned.
Due to the Covid-19 emergency, this activity was rescheduled for the following month.
5. NetMap system performance evaluation
The quality analysis for the new NetMap database continued in accordance with the provisions of Determination n. 9/2019. Some improvements were made to the KPI 1 calculation algorithm (matching between the new street addresses published in NetMap and those indicated in Ware Place) and the scope of services considered was expanded (Easy IP and EASY IP NGA). These adjustments were implemented starting from the surveys of January 2020 which were made available by TIM during the month of March.
6. Process Digitalization
Beginning in January 2020, the monitoring related to process digitalization for provisioning was extended to all services on which the Virtual Agent is active. For Full Equivalence, VULA H service was added and for Equivalence Plus, Ultrabroadband services were added.
In relation to the monitoring of the use of a courtesy SMS, given the poor adhesion of the OAO market, KPI 4 was considered redundant.
7. Encryption of sensitive information (Resolution No. 396/18/CONS)
With regard to the activity of supporting Agcom in the implementation phase of Resolution no. 396/18/CONS, on January 22, 2020, at the TIM operational headquarters in Tor Pagnotta, an on-site verification was carried out relating to the implementation of the IT solution adopted: tokenization through DB protected SecOLO of the assurance process systems.
The systems that were verified were:
- Barra Telefonica;
- e-Star;
- nWFM.
The verification was carried out on real failure reports, alongside various technicians depending on the system that was being verified.
8. Decommissioning of copper infrastructure
Pertaining to SB support for the verification activities of the "decommissioning" process of the local exchanges, on February 13, 2020, there was a meeting at Authority headquarters to define the procedures for implementing the verification activities that the Supervisory Board has to perform in support of Agcom to ascertain the compliance of the coverage requirements as per art. 50, co. 6 of Resolution 348/19/CONS. Contact was therefore initiated with TIM to obtain further information, particularly regarding the definition for the coverage of Ultrabroadband services in FWA technology.
9. Verification of Undertaking n. 2 pursuant to Resolution 718/08/CONS
With regards to Undertaking no.2, on February 10,2020, TIM presented the progress of the Customer Satisfaction Index recorded during the second wave of surveys for 2019.
10. Monitoring of Technical Plans
For Undertakings no. 5 and no. 6 pursuant to Resolution 718/08/CONS, during the quarter the Supervisory Board monitored the publication of the TIM Technical Plans in order to verify the level of transparency and effectiveness in terms of information made available to the other operators.
In particular, the compliance of Undertakings pursuant to Resolution 718/08/CONS were verified:
- Programs and results from maintenance related to quality assurance for fixed network access (Undertaking 5);
- Programs and results from the interventions for the development of the “traditional” fixed access network in copper and NGAN (Undertaking 6)
11. VULA FTTC Testing Services
In relation to the request by Wind-Tre regarding the compensation to be paid relative to the integration of the testing procedure for the delivery services for the VULA FTTC active line, the SB contributed to reaching an agreement with TIM with an aim of eliminating post provisioning failure.
12. Separation models and supervision on the access network
With regards to the study by the Cullen International Society entitled “Integrazione verticale, modelli di separazione e vigilanza sulla rete: esperienze internazionali a confronto” (translation: "Vertical integration, separation models and network supervision: a comparison of international experiences"), in compliance with the containment measures for the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the SB considered it best to move the presentation from March 2020 to a future date to be announced.
13. Covid-19 Emergency
With reference to the AGCom circular letter of March 20, 2020 (First implementation measures for art. 82 of the "Cura Italia" decree, - D.L. 17 marzo 2020, n. 18), on March 25, 2020, a meeting was held between the Council of the SB and the AGCom Director of electronic communication networks and services, during which several items were discussed.
In particular, the role and support of the SB was agreed upon in relation to the Covid-19 epidemiological emergency.