1 Decommissioning
The Supervisory Board Council, held on October 21, 2020, approved Resolution no. 13/2020. The document illustrates the methodology for the assessment of the NGA coverage of local exchanges aiming at ascertaining the consistency with Agcom Resolution 348/19/CONS, in order to allow the decommissioning of the exchanges. The document was sent to Agcom and TIM on October 21, 2020.
On November 6, 2020, in videoconference, the Supervisory Board Office illustrated the methodology to Agcom. Therefore, Agcom requested the support of the Supervisory Board to verify the coverage and migration requirements pursuant Resolution 348/19/CONS, for the first batch of 62 local exchanges for which a decommissioning request was submitted to Agcom by TIM.
Two assessment sessions were held at the Rome headquarters of TIM, located in Corso Italia, on December 15, 2020 and January 15, 2021, in which the Supervisory Board Office assisted Agcom. The assessments checked both the requirements related to FTTx and FWA coverage.
2 Multivariate linear regression methodology for KPO calculations
During the meeting held on October 21, 2020, the SB Council approved the document that illustrates the multivariate linear regression methodology for the calculation of KPOs proposed by Prof. Giovanni Pica (Resolution no. 12/2020). On November 5, 2020, a videoconference was held between the Supervisory Board Office and Agcom during which the SB document was presented and discussed. As a result, in their letter dated December 28, 2020, Agcom requested to extend the trial period for a further three months starting from the January 2021. The required data should be made available by TIM by March 10, 2021.
3 KPI Analysis Res. 395/18/CONS
The monthly analysis of the KPIs defined by Agcom Resolution 395/18/CONS continued during this quarter.
Starting from October 2020, KPI 13 - Average degradation resolution times for the Ultra Broadband service - was measured with the correct calculation algorithms, as a result of the SBO complaint and the resultant correction of the anomalies on the information systems for this indicator.
During this quarter, the KPI upgrading activities in accordance with AGCom Resolution no. 348/19/CONS were also completed. Pursuant to article 4 of the aforementioned Resolution, starting from August 8, 2019, TIM is no longer an operator with Significant Market Power (SPM) in the municipality of Milan. Therefore, Milan is no longer subject to regulatory obligations. In 2020 TIM proceeded to adapt the information systems in accordance with the Resolution and from August the KPIs have been recalculated excluding data from the municipality of Milan.
In order to allow a better trend comparison, in December 2020, the exclusion of the Milan data was extended to the whole year so that all 2020 KPIs were recalculated.
4 Assessment of compliance for KPI 395
With regard to the activities concerning the compliance of TIM KPIs to the 395/18/CONS requirements, on December 3, 2020, the second assessment was carried out on a sample of three KPIs (one for provisioning orders and two for assurance). TIM provided the SBO with the clarifications requested on the calculation of certain indicators and the test had a successful outcome.
5 ONU saturation verification
With regard to the supervision of equal treatment in the management of provisioning processes regarding saturated ONU Cab, the third assessment was held on October 19, 2020, regarding FOL Lazio.
The fourth and final assessment was held on December 14, 2020, regarding FOL Friuli Venezia Giulia.
During the two assessment sessions, some corrections to the delivery process, aiming at strengthen equal treatment in specific situations, were identified.
6 NetMap system performance evaluation
The analysis of the quality of the new NetMap database continued in accordance with the provisions of Determination n. 9/2019.
The analyzed data in the monthly reports sent to the Authority did not show any critical issues both in terms of qualitative performance of the database, and in terms of equal treatment TIM-OAO.
7 Process digitalization
Also in this final quarter of the year, the SB continued monitoring, on a monthly basis, the digitalization of provisioning processes, analyzing the delivery service performance indicators related to the digital channel (the so-called Virtual Agent) with respect to the same indicators related to the traditional, or “human”, channel.
8 Technical Plan Monitoring
With respect to Undertakings numbers 5 and 6, during this quarter the SB continued the verification activities for the scheduled transmission of documents. In particular, the respect of publication schedule of reports regarding the programs and quarterly results was ascertained.
9 Meetings between the SB and Agcom
TIM hearings were held on October 20, November 12, and December 16, 2020.
In particular, during the November 12 meeting the 1st Wave 2020 Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) results were presented for the Wholesale Market clients: 158 OAOs (Other Authorized Operators) participated in the investigation, held between May 20 and June 30. The participation was greater than the previous wave (Wave 2019 = 154 OAO).
The CSI results were also superior (7.13 versus 7.07) despite the fact that the investigation period immediately followed the critical period of the Covid-19 health crisis.
10 Technical roundtable - FTTC network faults
The SB-TIM-Wind Tre trilateral technical roundtable meetings continued regarding the issue of fault rate of services on the FTTC network.
During the October 27, 2020 meeting, specific methods of analysis, for the exchange areas with critical fault rate, were commonly agreed on.