The Supervisory Board

The Board's main tasks and practices

The SB’s role, functions and responsibilities derive from the Undertakings voluntarily proposed by TIM and approved by Agcom, as well as by various measures and requirements issued by the Italian Authority over the years. With the entry into force of the 2016 Supervisory Board Regulation, the SB’s tasks have increased, thus, consolidating its role aimed at ensuring equal treatment.

Thanks to its recently-conferred authority and to the significance of the activities delegated by the national regulator, the Supervisory Board: 


icona_ok_odv.png proceeds to verify any potential breaches reported or identified independently and communicates them to the Authority in the manner and timeframe defined in its own Regulation;

icona_ok_odv.png supports all the licensed operator's requests for the resolution of technical-operational disputes regarding the supply of network access services;

icona_ok_odv.png carries out specific studies and analysis activities, at the request of the Communications Regulatory Authority – Agcom; assists Agcom on specific technical issues;

icona_ok_odv.png monitors the non-discrimination KPIs;

icona_ok_odv.png sends a quarterly progress report to Agcom and TIM including any anomalies found and suggestions for their resolution;

icona_ok_odv.png maintains a constant international connection, particularly with the European Commission, and with counterparts in other countries for the exchange and comparison of good practices;

icona_ok_odv.png publishes an Annual Report, regarding its activities and findings of the preceding year.