Quarterly Report January–February-March 2021

Newsletter January – February - March 2021

1 Annual report and planned activity

On March 18, 2021, in accordance with the provisions of the Undertakings, the Supervisory Board (SB) Council approved the Annual Report on the activities done and the results achieved in 2020, in accordance with the new Undertaking no. 7, sections 7.23 and 7.24.13.

In this session, the Supervisory Board also arranged for the 2021 Annual Report to be sent to both the Director of the Management of Electronic Communications Networks and Services Department of the Authority for Communications Guarantees (Agcom) and to TIM S.p.A., pursuant to article 17, paragraph 3 of the Regulations. In addition the report has been published on the Supervisory Board website pursuant to paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the SB Regulations.

On February 19, 2021, the Supervisory Board Council approved the 2021 Activity Plan (Determination No. 1/2021) which incorporates the 2021 Planned Works submitted by Agcom on February 17, 2021, and which is divided into three areas of activities: (i) ordinary activities deriving from the ex 718/08/CONS commitments; (ii) support activities requested by Agcom, pursuant to art. 15-bis of the of the Supervisory Board Regulations and (iii) supervisory activities identified by the SB.

2 Decommissioning

The Supervisory Board Council held on October 21, 2020, had approved (Resolution no. 13/2020) its document that illustrates the methodology for verifying the NGA coverage of local exchanges aimed at ascertaining the requirements established by Agcom Resolution 348/19/CONS to allow the decommissioning of the exchanges. Agcom acknowledged the verification methodology and therefore requested the support of the Supervisory Board to verify the coverage and migration requirements indicated in their Resolution 348/19/CONS for the first batch of 62 exchanges, for which TIM had submitted a decommissioning request to Agcom.

On January 15, 2021, at the Rome headquarters of TIM, located in Corso Italia, the Supervisory Office participated in the verification session chaired by Agcom aimed at verifying the coverage requirements prescribed by Resolution no. 348/19/CONS for some exchanges, among the 62 for which TIM has the intention of decommissioning, which also could utilize the use of FWA technology to achieve 100% of the required NGA coverage.

3 Multivariate linear regression methodology for KPO calculations

Following the December 28, 2020, communication from Agcom, in which the SB was asked to continue the calculation of the KPOs based on the multivariate linear regression for another three months with a further phase of experimentation by applying some KPIs pursuant to 395/18/CONS, the basket of indicators subject to testing was agreed with the Authority and the first data extraction was requested to TIM.

4 KPI 395 Analyses and verification of accurate calculation of KPI 395/18/CONS 

With respect to Undertaking number 4, during this quarter, the SB continued the monitoring activities, on a monthly basis, for the KPIs pursuant to Res. n. 395/18/CONS for equal treatment, asking TIM for specific clarifications regarding certain trends.

5 ONU saturation verification

With regard to the supervision of equal treatment in the management of the provisioning processes regarding saturated ONU Cab, FOL Napoli (OA Sud) has been identified as the location for the first inspection of 2021, which will be held in April. 

6 NetMap system performance evaluation

The analysis of the quality of the new NetMap database continued in accordance with the provisions of Determination n. 9/2019. In particular, the SB continued the monitoring by adding a specific indicator to the KPIs already in use to monitor the level of accuracy of the geolocation of addresses.

7 Technical Plan Monitoring

Undertaking no. 5 (Transparency Guarantees for the Technical Plans for Fixed Access Network Quality) creates for TIM a series of obligations aimed at making public and transparent any structural interventions on the fixed access network that go beyond the scope of ordinary maintenance. For this reason, TIM shall prepare a series of detailed operational plans with which it specifies the merit of each intervention project.

Undertaking no. 6 (Transparency Guarantees for the Technical Plans for the Development of the Fixed Access Network) provides that TIM shall make available the "Technical Plans for the Development of the Fixed Access Network", through the periodic publication of a series of long-term planning documents called “Multi-annual Plans” or medium-term plans referring to the quarters of the year (including plans and quarterly results). 

With respect to Undertakings numbers 5 and 6, during this quarter the SB continued the verification activities for the transmission of documents as required by the SB itself. In particular, the scheduled publication of the documents concerning the programs and quarterly results were verified.

With regard to the planned works identified by the SB, it should be noted that a study has begun in order to establish a permanent SB observatory for the quality of the FTTC (Fiber to the Cabinet) network to monitor the status of preventive maintenance and the desaturation interventions conducted by TIM on this type of NGAN network.

8 Meetings between the SB and Agcom

During the first quarter of 2021, the Supervisory Board had numerous discussions with Agcom as part of the new activities envisaged by the 2021 planned works, while dialogue continued with TIM on these same issues. 

Regarding the meetings between the Council and TIM, it is noted that the hearings held on January 20, February 19 and March 18 2021 were useful moments of discussion and debate on the issues related to the implementation of the 2021 SB planned works. In particular, during the January meeting, TIM illustrated the MyQ application available to On Line Technicians (TOL) aimed at increasing the quality delivered to both TIM and OAO customers, while in the February meeting TIM illustrated the results of the Second Wave of the Customer Satisfaction Index. The 2020 FoY value was 7.30.

9 Technical roundtable - FTTC network faults

The SB-TIM-Wind Tre trilateral technical roundtable meetings continued regarding the failure rate of services on the FTTC network.
In the January 29, 2021 meeting, the results of the specific analyses were examined. Specific analysis was conducted by TIM in the exchange areas deemed particularly critical by Wind Tre due to high failure rate.