Quarterly Reports




Quarterly Report July - September 2019

The so-called disaggregation of the unbundling services (LLU and SLU) allows Alternative Operators to assign the management of work orders (WO) and Trouble Tickets (TT) to a third party company, chosen by the Operator and certified by TIM to operate on their network. The Alternative Operator also has the right to negotiate deals on a series of additional services with the chosen company...

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Quarterly Report April - June 2019

The presentation of the 2019 Annual Report for the Supervisory Board was held on May 30th at the Gallery of the Cardinal of Palazzo Colonna in Rome. The meeting was opened by President Maurizio Mensi, who presented the main results achieved in 2018. The meeting was attended by the TIM Chief Executive Officer Luigi Gubitosi...

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Quarterly Report January - March 2019

It is noted that the 2019 Budget Plan was approved for Supervisory Board activities, in conformance with the approval from the February 21st, 2019 meeting of the TIM Board of Directors. This Plan, referenced as number n. 6/2019, has been provided to the TIM Authorities and CEO in accordance with article 2, paragraph 2 of the Regulation...

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Quarterly Report October - December 2018

With respect to Report S01/17, the Supervisory Board assigned the Compliance / Supervisory Office the task of of starting on-site verification activities related to the "saturation / desaturation" of the ONU of the DSLAM / MSAN, to monitor the failure rate of the VULA FTTC services in general (and specifically in post provisioning), to ensure that the procedure...

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Quarterly Report July - September 2018

The third quarter of this year saw changes to the management structure of the Supervisory Board. Fabio Pompei was appointed as the new director of the Supervisory Office, taking up his post from 1 October 2018, while Francesco Papetti joined the staff on 1 August 2018. With a professional background in engineering, both are a welcome addition to the enhanced effectiveness...

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Quarterly Report April - June 2018

In opening this report, mention should be made of the Supervisory Board's presentation of the 2018 Annual Report on June 7 at the Temple of Hadrian in Rome. The event was opened with a presentation by the Chairman, Maurizio Mensi, of the main outcomes delivered in 2017 and, given the occasion marked the tenth anniversary of the Supervisory Board’s establishment...

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Quarterly Report January - March 2018

This quarter was marked by a high level of political and institutional debate about the access network and the evolution of the equivalence model,  paying attention to strengthening compliance with the principle of non-discrimination and equivalence in the provision of services by TIM Wholesale to alternative Communication Providers and to TIM Retail. During the meeting...

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Quarterly Report October - December 2017

To begin with, we report that the new Supervisory Board took office on December 20, 2017, consisting of the chairman, Prof. Maurizio Mensi, and the members Mr. Giovanni Amendola, Mr. Fabio Di Marco, Prof. Gianni Orlandi, and Mr. Francesco Sclafani. At the first board meeting, with a view to ensuring the effective involvement of Other Alternative Operators...

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Quarterly Report July - September 2017

Opening the summary of the Supervisory Board's activities for the July–September 2017 quarter, mention must be made of the resignation of the Chairman of the SB, Prof. Antonio Sassano, due to pressing work commitments, submitted in accordance with art. 3, paragraph 5 of the Supervisory Board Regulations. In the meeting of 29 August 2017, Prof. Polo...

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Quarterly Report April - June 2017

In line with the Plan of Activities approved on 25 January 2017, during the quarter under review the Supervisory Board continued its activities aimed at ensuring observance of equality of access to the Telecom Italia network, in compliance with the Undertakings and according to the provisions of its Internal Regulation. The activities were carried out under the new regulatory framework...

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Quarterly Report January - March 2017

In the first quarter of the new year, similarly to the past, the Supervisory Board approved the 2017 Annual Report on the activities carried out and the results achieved in 2016, as set out in the new Undertakings Group no. 7 and, in particular, paragraphs 7.23 and 7.24.13 of the same Undertaking. At the same meeting, the Supervisory Board also arranged for said Report to be sent...

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Quarterly Report October-December 2016

The past trimester was marked by important changes to regulations for the activities of the Supervisory Board, the scope of activities has been expanded, to adapt to a series of new policies, and the Board is no longer limited to verifying compliance with Undertakings in accordance with Resolution no. 718/08/CONS. The Board's prerogative now includes active surveillance...

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Quarterly Report July-September 2016

In July 2016, the Italian National Regulatory Authority for Communications, in agreement with Telecom Italia, approved new regulations for the Supervisory Board, detailing the operations and procedures of the Board and of the Supervisory Office. The most important changes include the number of Board members, increased from 3 to 5, and the length of their term of office...

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Quarterly Report April-June 2016

On 31 May 2016, at the end of the term of office of the members of the Supervisory Board, the National Regulatory Authority for Communications (AGCom) and Telecom Italia agreed to extend, exceptionally, the said term of office of the whole Board up to 31 July 2016, in order to guarantee operating continuity and the continuation of the operations currently in progress...

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Quarterly Report January-March 2016

The Supervisory Board adopted Resolution no. 1/2016 that includes the Activity Plan for 2016. With Resolutions no. 2/2016 and 3/2016 the Supervisory Board verified the results of supervisory activities on the so-called "Single Queue" work order queuing management system for 2015. At the same time, it ordered new investigations for 2016 related to the same area of action...

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Quarterly Report October-December 2015

In October 2015, with Resolution no. 16/2015, the Supervisory Board (SB) concluded its investigation into Telecom Italia's delivery process in relation to equality of treatment in the Wholesale and Retail services offered. This provision fulfils a particularly significant role in that it has allowed confirmation and updating of the Recommendations made to Telecom Italia...

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Quarterly Report July-September 2015

With Resolution no. 12/2015, the Supervisory Board (SB) opened Complaint S01/2015, relating to the alleged misapplication by Telecom Italia staff of the policy on contacting customers in the event of activations of non-active lines (pending the New Delivery Process), with particular reference to the improper use of the “OLO reference for on-site activities” procedure and the methods...

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Quarterly Report April-June 2015

The Supervisory Board (SB), with Resolution no. 9/2015, closed the Complaint S03/13, originated by the Operator Welcome Italia which complained about an excessively high number of faults and deteriorations. At the end of the conducted analyses, it was reported that the behaviour of Telecom Italia did not result in discriminatory conduct and therefore the analysis in question...

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Quarterly Report January-March 2015

On monday 9 March 2015 the Ara Pacis Auditorium in Rome hosted the presentation of the Supervisory Board’s 2015 Annual Report. The meeting opened with the presentation by the President of the Supervisory Board, Antonio Sassano, of SB’s activities in 2014 and the 2015 work programme. The meeting was attended by Antonello Giacomelli, Under-secretary of State for...

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Quarterly Report October-December 2014

With Resolution no. 17/20141 the Supervisory Board (SB) terminated verification of the reasons giving rise to Work Orders rejected by Telecom Italia due to the "Presence of a multiplexing device", after having identified a steady decline in the phenomenon. Regarding the Complaint S02/13, concerning malfunctions of the Wholesale CRM, as a result of the improvements recorded...

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Quarterly Report July-September 2014

Complaint S01/13, regarding the alleged inconsistency in Open Access's refusals to activate LLU lines for Fastweb, was closed based on the findings which emerged from the investigations made, findings which had not shown any discriminatory behaviour against Fastweb. At the same time, however, it was arranged that specific activity should be begun to monitor refusals...

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Quarterly Report April-June 2014

Regarding Complaint S01/13 concerning alleged inconsistency in Open Access’s refusals to activate LLU lines for Fastweb, that had been closed1 on the basis of the findings which emerged from the investigations made, monitoring activity has been launched covering the progressive decommissioning of network multiplexers. On 11 June, a hearing was held concerning the topics...

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Quarterly Report January-March 2014

The Supervisory Board (SB) presented the 2014 Annual Report on 14 March 2014, at the Auditorium of the Ara Pacis in Rome1. The Report, published2 on the SB's website, contains an overview of the main activities carried out and results achieved in 2013. Previously, on 13 February during a formal hearing, the SB reported to the Members of AGCom on the work performed...

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Quarterly Report October-December 2013

In the last quarter of 2013 the investigations continued in relation to the three Complaints received during the year. The process of migration of the main Other Licensed Operators to the New Delivery Process has substantially been completed, with the sole exception of Wind for the LLU service. With regard to the Single Queue system, in November the WOs transferred to...

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Quarterly Report July-September 2013

During the third quarter of 2013 the Supervisory Board (SB) analysed the Complaints made in the previous months. Specifically, regarding Complaint S01/13 the SB had a hearing with the Operator Fastweb, during which Fastweb provided further details; the SB also sent to AGCom the results of its analysis on the matter. Through Resolution no. 18/20131, approved at the Board meeting...

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Quarterly Report April - June 2013

In April, the Supervisory Board (SB) decided (through Resolution no. 9/20131) to open Complaint no. 03/13 following a letter from the Operator Welcome Italia reporting alleged service disruptions and deterioration of the access and transport networks, as well as the inadequacy of the penalties applied to Telecom Italia for violating the SLAs. Through Resolution no. 14/20132...

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Quarterly Report January - March 2013

The Supervisory Board (SB) presented the 2013 Annual Report on 13 March 2013, at the Auditorium of the Ara Pacis in Rome1. The Report, published2 on the SB's website, contains an overview of the main activities carried out and results achieved in 2012. In the light of reports received from the Operator Fastweb during a hearing, the SB has opened Complaints no. S01/20133 and no...

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Quarterly Report October - December 2012

In December 2012, the new Supervisory Board (SB) took office, chaired by Prof. Antonio Sassano1 , the new Board replaces the previous one, chaired by Prof. Giulio Napolitano, whose term of office has now ended. The other two members are Prof. Michele Polo and Prof. Marco Lamandini. During the first session held on 4 December, the SB approved the quarterly report for Q3 2012...

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Quarterly Report July - September 2012

During the quarter, the Supervisory Board (SB) closed Complaint S01/2012, opened with Resolution no. 13/20121 and made by the Operator Welcome Italia about general Assurance failures concerning various geographic areas. After Telecom Italia provided information requested by the SB, clarifying that in most cases reported, events were attributable to aspects not concerning...

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Report Monitoring activity on the "single queue" waiting list

According to the Undertakings Group no. 1, Telecom Italia must put in place a new delivery process for managing the supply of SMP services, without differentiating the requests coming from the alternative Operators from those coming from Telecom Italia’s commercial departments. In particular, the same process is guaranteed for both Wholesale and Retail orders in case of lack of...

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Report DSLAM Desaturation-2Q2012

The DSLAM saturation is an issue which has become particularly important in recent years in Italy as well as in other countries. As a consequence, it has been a matter which the Supervisory Board deeply analyzed. The phase-out of the production of the ATM equipments brought Telecom Italia to progressively switch to IP/Ethernet equipments. The same experience is being faced by...

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Quarterly Report April - June 2012

During the second quarter of 2012, with Resolution no. 12/20121 , the Supervisory Board (SB) ordered the commencement of activities with the purpose of verifying the correct application of the Management System relative to the Single Queue within the New Process of Delivery. These activities were carried out on site by resources from the Supervisory Office (SO) at corporate...

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Quarterly Report January – March 2012

The Supervisory Board (SB) presented the Annual Report on the activities carried out and the results achieved in 2011 and on the work scheduled for 2012, at the convention “Governance of the digital network and agenda” held at Palazzo Barberini in Rome on 20 March 2012. This Report was published on the internet site of the SB. The Report contains an assessment of the three-year...

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Quarterly Report October - December 2011

During the fourth quarter of 2011 the Supervisory Board (SB) conducted the usual monitoring of the actual compliance by Telecom Italia with the Undertakings specified in resolution no. 718/08/CONS. Regarding Undertakings Group no. 1, the SB, in specific meetings, received updates and information on the progress made in implementing the New Delivery Process, with particular...

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Report Certification of Data

The Telecom Italia Undertakings were approved with the AGCom Resolution n. 718/08/CONS. According to the Undertakings Group number 3, Telecom Italia has to implement a report containing several different indicators giving a precise indication on the quality of Open Access work, providing information on detailed activities and, at the same time, comparing the performances obtained...

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Quarterly Report July-September 2011

In July, August and September 2011, the Supervisory Board (SB) conducted the audits of the actual respect of the Undertakings by Telecom Italia required by Resolution 718/08/CONS, with particular reference to the Technical Plans for the quality and development of the fixed access network, the New Delivery Process and the performance indicators. With reference to the complaint by the...

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Report DSLAM Desaturation

Telecom Italia launched an action plan for the desaturation of the ATM switches which provide 7 Mbit/s asymmetrical bitstream services. This plan, published in December 2010, provides a total of 1,882 interventions for DSLAM expansion. The planned interventions aim at keeping the number of saturated switches served with 7 Mbit/s ATM DSLAM at year end under 100 units...

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Quarterly Report April-June 2011

During the second quarter the Supervisory Board (SB) continued its monitoring of the strict compliance by Telecom Italia (TI) with the Undertakings: in particular, the usual checks were carried out on the reports sent in by TI especially as regards the performance indicators and the technical plans for the quality and development of the fixed access network. With reference to the...

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Quarterly Report January-March 2011

On March 11th, 2011, the Supervisory Board Annual Report on the activities performed, the results obtained in 2010 and the work programme for 2011 was presented during a conference held at the MAXXI Museum in Rome. Said Report was published, together with the Conference proceedings, on the Supervisory Board (SB) website. A preview was presented to the National Regulatory...

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Quarterly Report October-December 2010

In the fourth quarter of 2010, the Supervisory Board (SB) continued its monitoring activities regarding the compliance by Telecom Italia of the formal deadlines and the commitments stemming from the Undertakings. The SB has also launched a number of actions for further investigation about certain issues of particular interest to operators and the market....

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Report August-September 2010

Once the New Delivery Process started with the adhesion of the first operators, the Supervisory Board (SB) has continued in August and September 2010 the monitoring activities in order to verify the respect by Telecom Italia of the formal deadlines and the accomplishments foreseen by the Undertakings. In particular, with reference to the Undertakings Group No. 1, the works...

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Report June-July 2010

In June and July the verification activities of the Telecom Italia’ Supervisory Board (Organo di vigilanza – OdV), aimed at verifying the proper execution of the Undertakings, continued. The OdV received two complaints from 5 other licensed operators, starting as many preliminary activities according to its Regulation. The Board continued keeping contacts with the British Equality of Access...

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Report April-May 2010

During April and May 2010 the Telecom Italia' Supervisory Board (Organo di vigilanza – OdV) carried on monitoring the correct execution of the Undertakings submitted by Telecom Italia and the complaints of the other licensed operators. The international debate on the different network separation models, as well as on the implementation of appropriate Supervisory Boards...

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Report April 2009 - April 2010

In data 9 aprile 2010 l'Organo di vigilanza ha adottato la Determinazione n. 7/2010 con la quale ha avviato l'attività di verifica in merito alla fondatezza della Segnalazione "S01/10 - BT-Fastweb-Vodafone Omnitel-Wind/Lacune informative nei Piani tecnici per la qualità e lo sviluppo della rete fissa di accesso di Telecom Italia in attuazione dei Gruppi di Impegni nn. 5 e 6"...

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