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2021 Annual Report

This Report illustrates the activities and the results achieved in 2020 by the Supervisory Board (SB) on Equal Access of the TIM network in the field of protection of the principle of nondiscrimination in the provision of wholesale services.



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The year 2020 was distinguished by two new elements: the beginning of a process that should gradually lead to the creation of a single access network company and the epidemiological emergency due to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus. The former is a path started by TIM through a corporate separation that led to the creation of FiberCop, to which TIM itself conferred its secondary network infrastructure, thus giving public and private investors the opportunity to participate by means of co-investment; the latter triggered profound economic, social and health upheavals, resulting in an unprecedented global event that emphasized the crucial role and strategic importance of electronic communication networks. 

As proven by the force of the events that unfolded in 2020 and that unfortunately are still part of the present, the functionality of an efficient ultra-broadband communication infrastructure for health, education and the business world is a vital factor for the future of the country, and its enhancement is a goal that can no longer be postponed. The dramatic nature of the pandemic has further highlighted the need to rapidly set up, in line with the most advanced countries, all the necessary initiatives for the development of an innovative access network.

In Italy, ultra-broadband connectivity is far more limited than in other countries and there are significant differences between various geographical areas in terms of both penetration and quality. The time is ripe for a systematic intervention to bridge the digital gap and make Italy fully and universally connected, allowing the widespread diffusion of innovative technologies among businesses and individuals. 

The entire country is experiencing one of the most difficult times since the end of the Second World War and rapid digitalization nationwide is a key factor in overcoming this very serious crisis.