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2022 Annual Report

This Report illustrates the activities and the results achieved in 2021 by the Supervisory Board (SB) on Equal Access of the TIM network in the field of protection of the principle of nondiscrimination in the provision of wholesale services.


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The year under consideration in this Report, which was still affected by the SARS-CoV-2 epidemiological emergency, witnessed the continuation of the debate on the corporate separation of TIM's secondary access network and on the related co-investment project FiberCop. The Communications Authority (AGCom) is therefore carrying out two important regulatory proceedings, the results of which will also have an impact on the future role and commitment of the Supervisory Board.

In relation to the first proceeding, regarding the voluntary legal unbundling of TIM's fixed access network notified to the Authority on 2 September 2020 - a proposal formulated pursuant to Article 50-ter of the Code and initiated by Resolution No. 637/20/CONS - in July 2021 Agcom published the outcomes of the public consultation called in November 2020, whose outcomes were assessed and will be fundamental in preparing the final proceedings for the coordinated analysis of the markets for fixed network access services. During the public consultation (the results of which were made available in Resolution No. 253/21/ CONS), several Operators commented on the future activities of the Supervisory Board, proposing, for example, the opportunity for the Board to broaden its scope to include also the access services provided by FiberCop.

This assessment regarding the definition of the scope of the Supervisory Board's competence expressed by the market has found various symmetries and correspondences also in the second important proceeding conducted by Agcom during 2021, i.e. the analysis of TIM's Undertakings relating to its coinvestment offer in very high-speed networks.